Darn You Splunk! Darn You to HEC!

So, the goal was to get Splunk running to monitor/alert/graph several docker containers and the physical hosts they’re running on. I ended up hitting a few roadblocks getting there, while finding surprisingly little help in my Google travels. So I’m writing out a simple top-to-bottom proof-of-concept to get docker logs flowing into a Splunk docker instance.

# quick splunk server, with HTTP Event Collector running and pre-determined token:
docker run -d \
  --name "splunk" \
  -p '8000:8000' \
  -p '8088:8088' \
  -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" \
  -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=password" \
  -e "SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN=secret-token" \

# manually insert an event
curl -k  https://localhost:8088/services/collector/event -H "Authorization: Splunk secret-token" -d '{"event": "hello world"}'

# using docker's "splunk" log driver
docker run -d \
  --name "nginx" \
  --publish "80:80" \
  --log-driver=splunk \
  --log-opt splunk-token=secret-token \
  --log-opt splunk-url= \
  --log-opt splunk-insecureskipverify=true \

# inspect nginx to see logging driver (you'll need jq if you want pretty print)
docker inspect --format='' nginx | jq .

# use above nginx, generating a log event
curl http://localhost:80

Log in to Splunk to view the logs (yes, there’s a space in that URL): source%3D"http%3Asplunk_hec_token"

If you want to set a system wide docker logging setting, edit your /etc/docker/daemon.json like so:

  "log-driver": "splunk",
  "log-opts": {
    "splunk-token": "secret-token",
    "splunk-url": "",
    "splunk-verify-connection": "false",
    "splunk-insecureskipverify": "true"

I didn’t want it to verify the connection first, because it’ll error out starting the docker containers if it can’t reach Splunk first. Best to just throw logs that direction and hope for the best.

