My Set-Up For Blogging
04 Jun 2019Nothing better to kick this blog off than explaining how I set it up!
I went with github-pages because I wanted something fast & easy, backed by a CDN, and obviously a platform where I still own the content. A big plus that I can tweak and tinker with everything. Could I write my own site from scratch and host it on the cloud? Yes, and I still might. But this works for now and will be easy to port all the content if I do.
Initial Set-up
jekyll new blog
- Edit Gemfile, comment out jekyll, uncomment github-pages.
- Update _config.yml with details, comment out theme cause we’re importing all the files manually.
git clone ../ cp -r ../hyde/_layouts/ ./ cp ../hyde/*.html ./ cp ../hyde/atom.xml ./ cp -r ../hyde/public/ ./ cp -r ../hyde/_includes ./
As alway, I’m using Vim and will until the day I die. I’ll probably use it to finalize my will.
In order to try things out locally, I needed to run a local web server for github pages. Dockerhub user starefossen
wrote a nice little Dockerfile for exactly this:
So to see live updates of my changes I just run:
docker run -t --rm --name ghp -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -p "4000:4000" starefossen/github-pages
Future Improvements
I’ll definitely write a quick ruby script to generate a skeleton markdown post with the current date/time and proper front matter.